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Edits- from now to wow!

Ever looked at one of your shots and thought, " Jeez it was better than that at the time!!" ? Nearly all digital images need a touch of adjustment; it's a consequence of shooting with digital cameras. Back in the film days these adjustments were done in the processing lab so you never saw the original , only the finished product. Today we can make these adjustments ourselves. The trick is to know what to do and to keep it looking natural although there is scope for artistic stuff too.


If you bring a couple of your favourite shots that you are really proud of I will evaluate the adjustments side of it and there is a good chance you will be able to make it something special. Don't worry, I can always get back to the original, that's one of the advantages of processing digitally.


Then go and get it printed and display it with pride or give as a gift.


Have a look below at before and after images, it may just be subtle, but it works! Can you iMagine how your shot will look?


Edits - small fee, big result!

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